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Countdown - catalogues & mailers


Progressive shopping is done right

We all want to buy goods for the lowest possible prices and enjoy our favorite products in peace. Many retailers overprice their goods or they do not care about their customers and their needs. However, Countdown stores are completely something else. This online and offline retailer has made its way through the vast jungles of competition right into the hearts of many customers all over the country with its great sales and deals and amazing range of products of high-quality and is also famous for taking part in many sustainability and food saving activities. You can get a mailer about that. It’s not the only advantage that you can just shop online, it’s also the many deals you can enjoy. We will show you a few of them. You can find them here on our page in their catalogue which we update every week, but you can also visit their official website https://www.countdown.co.nz.

Bonuses for their clients

If you find your way to their website or store, be sure to check out all the bonuses and advantages of joining Club Price with their OneCard. You can click and collect goods and deals very easily and you will be astonished by how fast the delivery works. You can also join their Christmas Club which offers many wonderful products and goods for low enough prices. The CountDown is not only about groceries or household items, but also about pharmacy – you may find very cheap goods that cost little to nothing and amazing specials that will improve your general health themselves.

Making it big

You can also wait for one of the big shopping holidays before coming to one of the supermarkets. There is a high chance that a lot of products will cost less than half of their original price and you would be fools to waste an opportunity like that. And once you have all the desired products and items, you can view one of the recipes that they publish on their website. If you want others to enjoy the same happiness from their shopping journey, give your friends or family a gift card. 

Products in Countdown catalogues

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Retailers - supermarkets